Are you EQ’fied ?

It’s 3:29 am and the Brahma Muhurta is almost there. It’s the tipper-tapper of the rain on the tin-roof outside that wakes me. My best half ensures the act of waking up is complete, बाहर कपड़े पसारे थे, उन्हें उठा लो l

There’s no use of “please”, which implies it’s no request. I comply immediately.

Back to my writing, I realise, we are staring at the end of a financial calendar. New beginnings beckon us. It’s a perfect time to take stock, and of course, plan ahead.

Writing, physical exercise and meditation lead you to a more transparent and honest self. I truly feel and believe that.

Reflecting on the year gone by, one major learning has been — that you need to manage yourself better — meaning, you need to optimise your thoughts and emotions. That’s the key to managing others and the situations around you. Be emotionally smart.

People around you are inherently selfish, with varying levels of selflessness. Forgive them.

That reminds me, I’m yet to separate the dry clothes from the wet ones. The management never misses a review.

And yes, the virtual world has no emotions, it’s just an AI driven Meta-game.



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